Thursday, August 26, 2010

Don't Stop Believin'

Yesterday at school, I had one class, then NOTHING FOR FOUR HOURS and then my last class.  So, during our time off, a few people from my class and I went into Larvik to the grocery store and bought some things to eat.  This is when I realized that, instead of the cafeteria-sized milk cartons we get at school in the United States, the kids here will drink a carton that is about the size of a half gallon.  And yes, that would be all at once.  I decided to try doing that, but because I haven’t gotten used to the taste of the milk here, I decided to treat myself to chocolate milk or sjokolade melk.  At least I caught up with my normal milk-intake hahahahaha.  Believe me, the milk cartons served in the US at lunsj are looking quite small in comparison to what is normal here!

We ate pastries and drank milk in the main square, butt he veps (bees) were horrible, so we had to keep walking.  I took 3:30 bussen hjem og started my homework!!!  Vi er studying the American and French Revolutions, which I have already studied in skole, so I decided to mainly focus on the norsk.  I came up with about three sentences for each of the seven questions, which is a lot more than I expected. I think the teachers want us to do at least a paragraph or more for each question, but the teacher told me flat-out that she wasn’t expecting much from me.  I worked very, very hard on it, and I hope she is impressed.  It took me about two hours.  >.< ”

During my homework, Asbjørn, my male counsellor came over with his wife for kaffe og te.  We also ate lots av sjokolader og kanel snurrer (or cinnamon buns as I would call them).   Jon was out for the night on a class trip to somewhere on an island or something and Eirik was back, but very tired. 

Today was ”meeting everyone day” or something along those lines.  (note: I am typing this at the dance studio, waiting for Solfrid’s class to end, in the locker room.  There are showers in here.  There is was a lot of people in here and we were all talking and she just totally stripped down and took a shower next to us.  I need to get used to this…)  ANYWAY!  After our first class, we all walked to the same building as Studio Nille.  It is about a fifteen minute walk from Thor Heyerdahl and I walked with Sondre over, talking about this blog and the differences between USA and Norge.  When we arrived, a bunch of us hopped onto the piano and played and sang while the auditorium-sized room filled up.  We were placed in different groups and listed to DON’T STOP BELIVIN’ BY JOURNEY.  Whoa.  Like I’ve never heard that song before…  Strangely enough (for me), a good majority of the kids here haven’t heard it unless they watch Family Guy (i.e., my host family :P).  We listened to it about five or six times and discussed what we should do with it: different lighting and effects.  Oh, did I mention that in week 10 we have a big show?  Well, DON’T STOP BELIEVIN’ is the opening number. 

After that, we all walked down to the beach and grilled hotdogs and ate lunsj; it was a lot of fun!  Everyone was around the big grill with their hotdogs and utensils that they brought from home.  Then we got back into our groups and did a quiz about all of the teachers and celebrities. . . . . . . . . . it was interesting.  Then we went back to school and got all of our books, finally!  We have about five books to use for school.  I had to make the 2:00 bus, so another boy in my class let me use his locker and even gave met he key because he will be in Italy for a few weeks with an orchestra!  Luckily, I made the bus just before it pulled away.  

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