Monday, May 23, 2011

Dialektene i Norge

Dialects of Norway (link)

The link above is a really cool website that demonstrates all of the different dialects in Norway.  This was thanks to Lauren!  She sent this to me!

Here's a few examples that I found interesting and here's how to find them:
Go to the website, click on one of the cities/counties and then click on the mp3 in the middle of the page to hear the different dialects!  This is why it is pretty difficult for me to understand Bergen and Trondheim dialects and easier to undertand Oslo dialects.  Each person talking is talking in the dialect but saying the same thing as all of the other dialects. 


I spent this weekend in Oslo with Didrik and Cathrine and met up with Devin.  We had a lot of fun!  We watched the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean, a couple episodes of The Office, made tacos, walked all around Oslo, ate lots of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream.. etc etc! 

Here's Devin and me in front of the king's castle in Oslo! :D

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