Sunday, October 31, 2010

Line lærte meg om nisser og grøt på fredag!

Line taught me about nisser and grøt on Friday!  (santas and rice pudding!)

This may sound silly and small and like nonsense, but I got "free lunch" on Friday and it made my day!  We stood in line to get lunch (Mari, Line and me) and there was a sign for hot lunch that said "Grøt".  They explained to me that it was "Santa's Dinner", but I'm almost positive that our santa just eats milk and cookies and whatever other "extravagant" foods so that he fattens up by Christmas ;) So, naturally, I didn't know what they meant. 
I bought my sandwich, eple and sjokolademelk and went over to the hot lunch line with the girls to see what grøt really was.  The man behind the lunch counter recognized me as the exchange student and asked me if I had ever had Santa's dinner before (it was rice pudding) and then asked if I wanted to try some.  I figured he would just give me spoonful, but he gave me a full bowl of it!  It was soooooo nice :D  It truly made my day.  We put brown sugar or cinnamon sugar on top of the grøt and went back upstairs to eat. 

Friday night I played two songs for the dinner with the district govenor of 2290, although I have been sick all week without a voice.  I did lose my voice a bit during my playing, but if that's the worst thing that happens to me in life, then I'm lucky... so I wasn't embarrassed. 

After that, Eva (my counselor) drove me to a party at a friend of Solfrid's house for a Halloween party. 
Yesterday we made two pumpkin pies and three loaves of pumpkin brad from scratch!  And on Wednesday Solfrid and I went shopping (saw a Norwegian rap star in the mall?!) and bought pumpkins and carved them!  Here are a few pictures!!

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