Sunday, November 21, 2010

Kjøleskapet historier og mange andre

Last week the refridgerator broke!  So we had to put all the food outside to keep cold.  Yes, it's cold here if that answers your question. 

Last Saturday was Larvik's Kulturnatt (Culture Night) so I went into town after it was dark (it gets dark before 4 pm now...) and met up with Alice.  We went into the kjøpesenter (mall) and heard Line K and Sondre's consert!  From there, we bought some bright pink reflectors with "KULTURNATT 2010" written on them and walked around town.  We went to the "teen-center" and heard another consert and met up with more friends.  We had hot soup and chips and just sat and talked.  Alice and I left and walked over to Bølgen, but the show had already started, so we went to see Bent DJ in the bar at the train station.  While we sat there, more of our friends showed up and we ended up leaving to go get KEBAB!  The big group of us sat around in the restaurant and then Alice and I left to get on her bus to Helgeroa, where she lives. 

Tuesday was Operasjon Peru at Thor Heyerdahl.  On this day, nobody has school, but it's not a day off.  We all have to find a job so make at least 350 kr. to give to an orphanage in Peru.  I worked with Jan (the president of the Stavern Rotaryklubb) in his studio.  He and his wife, Camilla, make chandeliers, fish, and all sorts of different artwork from iron!  I made 120 crabs' legs, a lot of crabs' pinchers and painted three vikingship chandeliers and two flower candle holders.  It was so much fun!  We also got lunch in town: ship with laks (salmon) and bread. 

Wednesday we went to OSLO på STUDIETUR!!  Merete drove me to school at eight o'clock and we left on a bus from there.  All the way to Oslo we were singing on the bus.  It's so cool to be with kids who want to play msuic and sing all the time.  When we arrived in Olso, we went to Norges Musikk Høg Skole, a music university in Oslo, and listened to some students and teachers ("I'm in Love With a Fairytale...").  From there we all went to different rooms and heard lectures and whatnot from different teachers from the school.  After, we had lunch!  Mari, Line, Håvard, Martine and I went to butikken nearby and bought some food.  Martine and I bought bolle and chips.  So healthy, yes.  Then we went to NISS music school and saw lots of different school recording studios. We had less time to shop than we thought, so we didn't get much and we went to middag at Peppe's Pizza.  They don't give you plates there because it's American-style pizza.  What is that supposed to mean? hahaha I definitely use a plate when I eat pizza at home...  Sometimes even with a fork and knife...  After we ate dinner and dessert, sat and talked, we left to go to Dizzie Theater and we saw  Øystein Sunde.  That's when we ended the night and drove back home and Sondre drove me to Kjose. 

Friday I stayed after school and then caught the bus with Alice, Mari, Line, and Linke to town and walked to Sartaj, and Indian restaurant and had dinner.  After a little while, PH joined us.  After dinner, we went to Bølgen and saw HARRY POTTER.  After the movie was over...

DIDRIK AND CATHRINE CAME TO VISIT!!  They got to meet everyone and we got Solfrid and went to Kjose.  We had tacos for dinner and watched Mr. Woodcock in the barn.  Cathrine and Didrik slept in my room and I slept down with Solfrid.  Then we had a nice breakfast the next morning and the three of us went into Larvik and I showed them my school (well, the outside) and some parts of town.  Then we went into a café and had hot chocolate and met up with Helle and Trond.  After, I had to go to Studio Nille for practice for the show that starts on November 30 til December 5 at Bølgen so we had to say goodbye :(  But we had a lot of fun!

Last night I went to Hege's house with some friends and we watched Walk Hard and Pompel og Pilt.  After the others left, we watched The Incredibles (in Norwegian of course!).  Today I had more practice at Studio Nille. 

:D  fin uke
Karl Georg, Mari, Me, Line og Martine i Oslo! here is about our christmas concert next wednesday!

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