Date Sunrise Sunset Length
Dec 21 09:13 15:22 6:09
It was a short day.
Today was the last day of school before Juleferie, or Christmas vacation. We met at the Larvik church, where we had the Christmas concert, along with the school and had a service. I sang in the choir along with the music program. That was the first service I have been to in Norway. It was neat because I could understand quite a bit of what the preacher was saying.
From there we went to the school (I was lucky and rode with Line instead of walking, it was -15 C) and had a party with gløgg, kake, quizzes and, of course, music. Norwegians LOVE quizzes... especially when it includes chocolate or marsipan as the prize for the winning team. xD Gifts were exchanged as well as hugs and wishes for Christmas and the New Year.
Then, we all went out into the hallway - by all I mean the ENTIRE school - and we sang Christmas carols on the stairwells on all five floors. There was also an impressive performance of a Norwegian-juleferie-version of Katy Perry's song "California Girls" by some kids in the younger music lines.
Then, we were free and are free until January 3.
Tomorrow I head to Oslo to see SOPHIE!! I can't believe it. Ever since I was little, I imagined that I would see the kids I hosted during my exchange. I got to see one big brother (on a number of occasions) and now I get to see my little sister tomorrow!
Julenissen kommer Dec 24! Natta alle sammen. Sove godt :) God jul!
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